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Does democracy represent us?


   Communism is a social-economic structure which is characterized with socialized ownership on capital goods, absence of peculiar, classless society. That is, this is a society where exploitation of one people by others is overcame and also the division of labor is overcame too: there is no ruling and carrying out, mental and physical division of job. Communism is the society with the absence of state machine which distributes blessings and suppresses one class by another. Such machine is not already needed because there are no classes, and distribution takes place on the basis of reasonable consumption of everybody. A commodity production and commodity-money relations are absent. Shown out, if it is possible to be so expressed, and formula of communism: «From each - by abilities, to each - by necessities».

   Clearly, that a communism in the USSR was not built. And socialism, certainly, is already far from capitalism, but it is not yet communism. Socialism is as absolute motion, it can not long exist in a hardening form: either — forward to the communism or — back in capitalism. We passed through the way of «military communism» to the forms of statecapitalism and then to the brairds of true socialism. Commodity production, commodity-money relations, and also norms of profit, introduced in 60-s were the «birth-marks» of capitalism, its unsolvable contradictions. We could go by the way of solving these cotradictions, but we did not do it and moved by the way of not simple preservations, but by their increases. This way of action did possible restoration of capitalism soon, what happened in 1991.

   What is the democracy? Translated from an ancient greek, it is «power of people». This form of the political system is known by humanity from deep antiquity. There were cases in every social-economic structure, when this exact form was used.

   Ancient Greek policies were the slave-holding states. But the way of ruling in these states was formal democratic. There were meetings, discussions, elections, but actually power belonged to large slave-holders — oligarchs (this word, namely, migrated to us from slave-holding Athens). Perikl was though and select on meeting of athenians, but actually he was a dictator. By the way to say that such method of management as manipulation over consciousness was used even in those ancient times. A prime example is poisoning of Sokrat, who while philosophizing became dangerous to oligarchs — thirty tyrants, who came to power in Athens as a result of Peloponessky wars. He was stipulated, condemned and forced to drink a poison. Slaves, in general, were considered not to be people. The ideal of democratic ruling was brilliantly expressed by Aristotle, who declared that «all of us will be free, and each will have three slaves». In those times the class of slaves was filled up not only due to the prisoners of war but also due to a sale of fellow-citizens-debtors in slavery for the oligarchs. Does it remind the present credit slavery?

   In those times, when feudalism dominated in Europe, democracy as a form of the political system was also enough widely widespread. Let us remember Venice, Genoa, Novgorod... But under attentive consideration it becomes clear that people decided almost nothing in those democracies. For people everything ended with screaming and indignations on meetings and veche after merchants and feudal lords decided their fate which for some reason always was unenviable. People could compel merchants and feudal lords to consider by thereselves only through rebelling and revolts which is effective procedure of direct democracy from below. Let us consider contemporaneity. Let us consider the structure of present Supreme Rada, State Duma et. From 450 deputies there are more than 300 persons — millionaires, proprietors of «factories, newspapers, steamships». There are certainly fractions like Communist Party of Ukraine, but it seems to be that its deputies want to be rich. That is why these exceptions from a rule, are actually not the exceptions, they are smoke-screen for creation of illusion of some «common» folk democracy to all mankind, although in nature it simply does not exist as such. Democracy is the hidden, veiled form of dictatorship of dominating class: slave-holders, feudal lords, merchants or bourgeoisie. It does not matter. Democracy can be only insider a class depending on a social-economic structure and with own dominating class.

   Dictatorship of proletariat is democracy within the dominating class — proletariat, realized in the form of Soviets. Bolshevists were more honest than representatives of present dominating class that is why they constitutionally deprived all representatives of bourgeoisie the right to vote. The representatives of bourgeoisie very scold bolshevists very much until now for it.

   What does it take a place now? On a paper for us everybody can elect and be elected, both in deputies or in presidents. And actually? Who can pay 2,5 million hryvnyas (250 000 dollars) for participating in presidential elections? And how many does a membership in parliament cost in the electoral roll of any party, applying into places in Supreme Rade? In fact, property qualification acts. If you are rich, — welcome to the deputies and presidents. If — no, in fact you are deprived of the right to be elected. And how is it possible to say under such conditions: «Does democracy represent us»?

   Of course, democracies of countries of capitalist Center differ from democracies of its periphery. It is funny to compare democracy of Switzerland and Guatemala. But here global division of labor and resources plays more deciding role. The countries of Center simply mercilessly exploit Periphery and that is why they can supply the citizens much better, imitating equality and class peace, though in these countries no class peace is present in trace. Ukraine is a country of capitalist Periphery, and we never will have such democracy, as, for example, in that France.

   Capitalism is of great vitality. To allow dust in people eyes in order to remaine inviolable, it can mimicry and take a form of senate, monarchy or dictatorship of furers and duche. Whichever. It generates a lot of ideological varieties, helping it to make people obey its laws: from a dull consumer to liberalism and nazism. But essence of it does not change not on an bit, a peculiar has status of sacred cow, and power belongs to the representatives of big business. They are absolutely indifferent for what IQ has president (e.g., Bush) and what nonsense he talks (e.g., Yushchenko). Above all it needs the business to work good and income to increase.

   In 1991 there was no a transition from a «communism» to «democracy»! There was the ordinary legal fixing of the successfully completed restoration of capitalism with passing to bourgeois democracy, which blessed impoverishment and extinction of people, wild corruption, lawlessness of officials and law enforcement authorities, reidership, redistribution of ownness, rise of crimes, corruption of judges et cetera. This «charming» list of «democratic dignities» can be continued for ever and ever.

   To try to ennoble these «dignities», attach democracies with human face by using some wise reforms — uselessly. Democracy can be only broken! Together with a capitalism.

   Andrey YAKOVENKO, political prisoner, Ukraine











































































































Трудовая Россия и АКМ-ТР @ 2004-2006 trudoros@narod.ru