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The International Youth Day


   The 12th of August is International Youth Day. We face this day in a harsh scenario for the young workers and students. The economic and health crisis has served as an excuse for the ruling classes to carry out cuts in our rights and living conditions.

   We must denounce the attacks the young workers and students have suffered by the ruling classes, being one of the focuses on which has fallen the precariousness of employment, firings, we have paid the consequences of years of privatization of education, and so on.

   On the other hand, despite the continuous offensives of the ruling classes, the young workers and students have been an example, self-organising themselves to face the current situation of economic and health crisis in our neighbourhoods, study centres and workplaces. While they tried to make us pay for their crisis, we organised ourselves to resist their onslaught.

   On this important day for the youth of the world, we have to highlight again the must of organising and struggling against this exploitative and oppressive Imperialist system, until we have built the world that we have dreamed of and fought for.


   Poster inspired by a leaflet of the 1st World Festival of Youth and Students, which took place in 1947 in Prague.












































































































Трудовая РоссияиАКМ-ТР @ 2004-2006