Официальный сайт"АвангардаКраснойМолодежи ТрудовойРоссии" | | | Обновлениеот01.01.07

WFDY on Cuba


   The World Federation of Democratic Youth reiterates its support for the Cuban Revolution, its youth and its people and we denounce the criminal blockade against Cuba and that is being used to destabilise the island.

   The criminal blockade of the United States against Cuba has serious repercussions against its youth and its people, has been denounced on countless occasions and only seeks to put an end to its popular sovereignty and to impose the interests of imperialism on Cuba.

   In the face of the blockade, the continuous imperialist offensives and the current international campaign to promote a coup d'état or an imperialist intervention against Cuba, the World Federation of Democratic Youth reiterates all our solidarity. As it cannot be otherwise, the anti-imperialist youth will always be with our brothers and sisters of Cuba who, reciprocally, have always contributed to the development of this common struggle for a world free of exploitation and oppression of any kind.

   We cannot forget the continuous fundamental contributions of the Communist Youth Union of Cuba (UJC) to the World Federation of Democratic Youth, both by holding the General Secretary of our organisation and by contributing to the advancement of our analyses and our struggle. Nor can we forget the altruistic gesture led by Fidel Castro to reactivate the movement of the World Festivals of Youth and Students, which after almost a decade without festivals and at a difficult time for the anti-imperialist youth and movement as a whole, to host for the second time a WFYS, the XIVth edition, in Havana in 1997 to relaunch this highly relevant event. We do not forget how, despite all the difficulties, Cuba has been an example of international solidarity (with the medical brigades at the forefront) at a time as complicated as the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic and health crisis.

   The anti-imperialist youth will always be against imperialism, its sanctions and interferences. We will always be with the youth and the people of the world. We will always be with the Cuban Revolution.











































































































Трудовая РоссияиАКМ-ТР @ 2004-2006