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WFDY – 75 Years



   75 years ago the World Federation of Democratic Youth was founded at a mass meeting in London. Since then, our comrades have always been present with a leading role in all the struggles of the youth and peoples of the world.

   To talk about the World Federation of Democratic Youth is not only to talk about these 75 years of history but about the role it still has today and the future we still have to build.

   - The rise of the mobilization in Latin America denouncing the coup governments and the puppet governments of Imperialism, as well as the offensives of Imperialism through blockades, sanctions and all kinds of tricks to break peoples like the Cuban and Venezuelan ones.

   - The denunciations of the continuous violations of the agreements by the Moroccan occupation against the Saharan youth and people, as well as of the unjust situation suffered by peoples such as those of Zimbabwe, Swaziland and so many others in Africa.

   - The protests against the continuous climate of tension in the Middle East region, because of the incessant offensives of Imperialism and the movements of its biggest ally in the region, the Zionist State of Israel. The defence of the Palestinian people and the denunciation of the Zionist occupation The protests and the organisation of solidarity and support networks to face the anti-people measures such as those suffered by peoples like the Lebanese.

   - The denunciation of the role of the imperialist forces occupying the top of the imperialist pyramid, that is the USA, NATO and the EU. A role that has sometimes affected even within these imperialist alliances, such as the example of Turkey's occupation of Cyprus.

   - The solidarity with the peoples of Asia and the Pacific in face of the attacks that imperialism also carries out against this region. To emphasize the continuous offensives of the imperialism through the USA and South Korea against DPRK that are blowing up the bridges towards peace and reunification of the peninsula. Supporting the struggle of the Indian people against their reactionary government or the protests in Iran in their struggle for peace, sovereignty, human and democratic rights, always without imperialist interference, so that it is the Iranian people who determine their future.

   None of these struggles would be understandable without the role that our comrades have played. The future of the world is incomprehensible without the role that the anti-imperialist youth should have in it. 75 years of struggle, and we will not stop until we have built the world we have dreamed of and fought for.











































































































Трудовая РоссияиАКМ-ТР @ 2004-2006